One of the top rated Massage Therapists in Northern Virginia. Innovative techniques like ANF Therapy and Neuro Kinetic Therapy, set us apart from everyone else in Northern Virginia. Come find out why.
One of the top rated Massage Therapists in Northern Virginia. Innovative techniques like ANF Therapy and Neuro Kinetic Therapy, set us apart from everyone else in Northern Virginia. Come find out why.
At Dumfries Massage Spa we pride ourselves on giving you the best customer service and customized massage. We have unique techinques like Neuro Kinetic Therapy and Amino Neuro Frequency to help with almost ANY aliment you may have. Get an assessment today and start on your path to becoming pain free.
We offer a range of different massage services. We offer body scrubs and body wraps. We are the only studio in Northern Virginia to offer Amino Neuro Frequency and Neuro Kinetic Therapy. Want to learn about these?
Our hours vary based on the needs of our clients. For the current hours, click the book online now.
For more information on hours and therapist availability click below.
Currently we are working with our Amino Neuro Frequency and Neuro Kinetic Therapy, see who we have helped so far.
Our Practice
We are located in Dumfries, Virginia. We have one treatment room and one relaxation area.
— yelp